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Committee for Echuca Moama is continuing to push its Echuca Moama Safe Towns Project which involves installing a Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Camera network through Echuca’s central business district.

Through consultation with community, businesses, data analysis and crime statistics from Victoria Police, this proposal is to have a comprehensive CCTV surveillance system installed in areas that are subjected to high incidents of crimes including property damage, anti-social behaviour and where there are poor perceptions of safety. The system monitors are to be installed at the Echuca Police Station and cameras will be positioned in strategic locations and will have the ability to be controlled and moved remotely allowing for greater flexibility.


The three-stage project looks to support and provide a safe environment for our community and tourists.  Our aim for this project is to contribute to:

  • The protection and safety of Echuca Moama’s property and assets

  • Reduce crime activity

  • Reduce anti-social behaviour

  • Assist in police response and safety

  • Increase community & tourists' perceptions of safety


This project has been developed in collaboration with Committee for Echuca Moama, Echuca & Moama Police and the Local Safety Committee comprising of representatives from a range of industries and stakeholders.


Local Safety Committee (LSC) have set up the Echuca Moama Camera Committee (EMCC) to lead this project. EMCC will oversee the advocacy, funding, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the proposed CCTV Camera network. They will also report to the Local Safety Committee and the owners of the project, Committee for Echuca Moama (C4EM). EMCC has representation from the following stakeholders:

  • Victoria Police Representative

  • Committee for Echuca Moama Representative

  • Moama Bowling Club Representative

  • CCTV Project Manager and CCTV specialist representative

  • Community Representative


Our Echuca Moama Safe Towns Project looks to support and provide a safe environment for our community and tourists. As such, our overall strategy is premised on valuing the wellbeing of our people and our place, now and into the future by providing a safe, clean, accessible and connected municipality, which values diversity, protects its heritage and environment, fosters a strong sense of community and provides opportunities to achieve the best possible health and wellbeing. We want Echuca Moama to be a safe and liveable place that people are proud to call home.


Working closely with Echuca Police, the first stage of the project will see 54 cameras installed in Echuca’s CBD. Stages two and three will expand to include the outer streets or Echuca.  


Stage one will take approximately eight months to finish and, once up and running, will be overseen by the Echuca Moama Camera Committee.


In August a funding application was made to enable stage one to be completed. Click below to read the full report. 

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