WORKING groups

We are very excited to announce that Next Gen Connect, a young professionals networking group, has joined our organisation!
Next Gen Connect was launched in December 2023, and is a group for young, aspiring businesspeople between 18-35. It aims to connect them with like-minded people through social and learning events.
NGC aims to be fun and inclusive. The group plans to provide a mix of different events and rotate them around the region.
C4EM started a Tourism Working Group following the granting of ownership of Echuca Moama Tourism and District Association’s (EMTDA) digital assets.
This followed the decision for the tourism body to cease operations on June 30, 2024.
C4EM chair Cath Lees said it was extremely important to have a body representing and promoting tourism in Echuca Moama.
‘C4EM was established to support and advocate for the growth and development of the Echuca Moama region,’ she said.
‘With EMDTA ceasing, we are perfectly situated to provide a forum for our tourism operators to come together and develop a shared approach to tourism in our region, working collaboratively with our Councils and other key stakeholders.’


The working group was launched on Monday, September 16.
The Workforce, Education, Training and Leadership Working Group’s focus will be on:
gaps in workforce development
employability issues
emerging leaders
bespoke training
business hub
By way of background, last year C4EM and several health services across the district, including Echuca Regional Health, collaborated on a Community Connector program which focused on ‘Attract, recruit and prosper in the Campaspe Murray region’.
Its aim was to identify and develop key relationships in our communities, collaborating on services and initiatives to provide a settlement and community connection program that would promote a supported and seamless integration into our region, individual communities and health services.
The program also identified training and development, leadership opportunities, employer support, employment networks, and mentoring as challenges that need to be addressed.
This also built on a School Industry Roundtable event that C4EM and Campaspe Cohuna Local Learning and Employment Network hosted for local employers and educators which developed an understanding of the current situation in the key industries of Campaspe and began to explore collaborative connections that positively impacted student pathway opportunities and industry growth.