
The Community Connector program was instigated by Echuca Regional Health, who appointed Lauren Byrne for a 12-month position as Project Manager Relocation and Wellbeing in 2023.
In collaboration with Committee for Echuca Moama, the program was aimed at investigating some of the hurdles to attracting and retaining staff in businesses across Echuca Moama.
This included:
Identifying challenges, such as professional development opportunities, accommodation limitations, lack of diversity for social groups, the shortage of quality applicants for jobs.
Identifying areas for improvement.
Identifying current initiatives, such as flexible working arrangements, incentives to move to Echuca Moama, professional development opportunities, community activities.
Identifying unique offerings. This included Echuca Moama’s geography, business and infrastructure, community and lifestyle, and economy.
Creating strategies to attract and retain staff. Some of these included promotion of the region, concierge service, web portal, housing strategy, trades and services information, cultural and social events, and a careers expo.
The program culminated in the creation of a promotional video produce by Radiant Media, which was launched at Moama Bowling Club on October 10, 2024.
Businesses who would like to use the video to promote Echuca Moama to prospective employees can access it here.
To enable you to access, use and share the film we have provided both a QR code (below) and links below:
Vimeo (ad free, high quality embed for your website)
Short Clip Vimeo link: (Please consider the use of the short clip carefully when using as an attraction tool. Potential candidates considering relocation will get a full experience watching the full version.)
Short Clip YouTube link: (Please consider the use of the short clip carefully when using as an attraction tool. Potential candidates considering relocation will get a full experience watching the full version.)
We also offer the following tips on how you can use this as part of your recruitment campaign collateral:
Get started on your socials!
Post information about the event you attended last night; tag ERH & C4EM in it, and provide a link to the film. LinkedIn is a MUST.
Post it on your Facebook, Instagram, TikTok pages; be it from a business or personal account. The leverage that this film will get, may even direct passive job-seekers.
Add more information about your own career opportunities and have a link to your own careers page or advertised opportunities
Company Webpage
Make sure you have it readily visible and easy to click so potential candidates can learn more about relocating to our region. Have a section on your careers portal about the region and the benefits of our great community. Add it into your external advertising campaigns.
If you have a parent company, advise them of this great work. If you have a national recruitment team or someone who looks to appoint for roles that may not be located here, make sure they are aware of our region to support you.
Recruitment Campaigns
Embed the link into your online recruitment platform (seek, LinkedIn etc) as another opportunity to entice candidates to our region
Share the link with your external recruiters are provided this link to increase interest and engagement
Don’t forget to tell your own staff
Share in your newsletter and/or tag staff in your social pages – Encourage them to share widely
Ensure the link is readily available to hiring managers and recruiting staff to use in their campaigns
Have a presentation or a lunch and learn at work to share the film and discuss how it will be used
Community Promotion
Explore potential to share this message broader through advertising campaigns such as metro cinema’s