resilience taskforce
The Goulburn Murray Resilience Strategy (“the Strategy”) was developed to respond to changes impacting on the region. It is the culmination of broad and deep consultation funded by the Goulburn Regional Partnership (Victorian Government). The Strategy was finalised in 2020.
The Goulburn Murray Resilience Taskforce acts as the custodians of this strategy. The region’s shared vision and voice and was established in May 2021. We translate the Strategy’s vision into action.
Agriculture, land management and the economy within the Goulburn Murray region will face major changes in coming decades. There will be both opportunities and challenges for our communities. The strategy will assist our community to optimise the opportunities and proactively foresee and navigate the challenges.
The Taskforce is comprised of regional leaders who have real influence within the community. It is a skills based and diverse group, all with unique expertise and experience relevant to overseeing resilience building actions. This includes community, government and industry.
Link to the strategy here.